Friday, March 25, 2011

Campaign launched against cuts to disability benefits

CARERS UK has joined with around 40 other disability, illness and care charities to launch a campaign against cuts to disability benefits. The campaign is called 'The Hardest Hit'.

The campaign says that the Government is planning to cut a total of £9 billion from the benefits of disabled people and their families, which would be utterly devastating for many families already struggling to make ends meet.

The Press Release about the campaign declares:
We want this campaign to be big, and need your help to get it off the ground. In particular we want to create a buzz online and for MPs to receive a lot of letters - so that they know how much carers and disabled people depend on these benefits. You can 'Like' the Hardest Hit Facebook page at and please tell all your friends about the campaign.
They have developed a campaign website at and are encouraging supporters to write to their MPs, to join a protest and lobby of Parliament on Wednesday 11th May and send in their stories, photos and videos to use on the website.


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