New police powers to tackle litter and dog fouling
Both the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Hull City Council have agreed to allow Humberside Police to issue fixed penalty tickets to people for littering or fly posting or allowing their dogs to foul in public.
Previously only relevant local council officers had authority to issue such fines but now PCSO's will also be able to hand out the fixed penalty notices.
Sergeant Tony Towse from the Hedon based Neighbourhood Policing Team said:
The use of Fixed Penalty Notices provides the Council and the Police with an effective and visible way of responding to these offences. This will hopefully result in public reassurance and deterring any individual from committing any offences. The South and Mid Holderness Neighbourhood Policing Team are always looking at delivering a premium service to the public and to raise the Quality of Life for the whole community."If anyone has information regarding any criminal offences then Sgt Towse urges them to contact the police on 0845 60 60 222 or Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Useful websites:
Humberside Police
i spy a crime - Crimestoppers Blog
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